• There are two death certificates.  Why?

  • This is supposedly a corrected version.  Why?

  • There is no seal - which is required.  Why?

  • NOTE: The time of death on the Death Certificate is at 4:00 p.m.  

  • NOTE: The time of death documented on the Albany Medical Record which states it was at 6:05 p.m.?  

  • NOTE: The Autopsy report filed with the Pathology Department of Albany Hospital states the autopsy to have been performed  3 1/2 hours after death.  The time of autopsy is stated as 10:15 a.m. which would put Gilbert's death at 6:45 a.m. on November 28,1953.  This would mean that Gilbert was given an autopsy  before he even entered the Hospital.

  • NOTE: A letter written by the Nun in charge of St. Colman's states that: "Upon advice of Doctor Haverly, we took him into the Albany Hospital on Saturday morning, and he died there around six o'clock". 

  • NOTE: A letter written by the same nun to the Medical Records Librarian states:  "The boy never regained consciousness and died there in the evening of the same day".   The Death Certificates states 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon - this is NOT considered evening. 

  • NOTE: A return letter from the Medical Record Librarian states: "At approximately 6:05 p.m., the patient stopped breathing and pulse could not be obtained".

  • NOTE:  One has only to follow the paper trail.  Which ones are accurate?  Both Death Certificates state the time of death at 4:00 p.m.  There was no correction of time of death made to the corrected Death Certificate.   Why do we have a corrected version of the Death Certificate in the first place? There doesn't appear to be any change of information from the original Certificate to the corrected certificate.  So Why?

  • NOTE:  Cause of death is Meningitis - Cause Undetermined

  • NOTE:  Letter written by Medical Record Librarian states the cause of death to be: "The final diagnosis was septicemia, beta hemolytic streptococcus".

  • Also, Letter written, December 16,1953, by Medical Record Librarian states that the autopsy report has not yet been completed. 

  • The autopsy was performed on November 28,1953, the day of Gilbert's death.  

  • The Autopsy Report was not approved until July 7, 1954, nine months after the autopsy was performed.  Why?  This is not normal proceedure.

  • The final notes on the Autopsy Report state that the believed cause of death was: fulminating Staphylococcal bacteriemia.

  • Page #9 of the Autopsy Report states:  "there is no evidence of encephalitis or meningitis". Remember the Death Certificate state cause of death to be Meningitis - cause undertermined.  Why was this not noted in the corrected version of the Death Certificate?  



  • The above is the original Death Certificate

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