By Mary Carol McGlone
The mangled old tree that hovered mid-center in the yard
Is still hauntingly the same
We played under its shade together making up silly
childish games
The barn in the distance, I imagined was mine as child
is so very clear in my mind
And the familiar feelings of fear as I came into view of
That dreaded white sign
The fun and the freedom in the warmth of the sun
each taking our turns on the swings
it always seemed to end far to soon;
as though against our will the bell would ring
I can still remember the rich earthen scent as we made our dream
shaped with the freshly fallen leaves
Only to find out days later our homes were scattered
Our dreams once again fallen victim to the breeze
I recall the excitement I felt while listening to the party lists
Name after name they would call, but mine I seemed to never hear
In the disappointing quiet I would imagine all the fun things the
chosen would do
and in my mind it was as though I were there
Silent hours standing, sometimes kneeling single file, youth’s
eternal dreams denied
Arms held out firm and straight, my heart within me sighs
I'll be a good girl daddy, please don’t leave me here
This is a such sad and empty place, and the walls alone know of my
Years swiftly fade, one giving way to another – memories with blank
I keep searching, grasping for traces
For I know that the deep dark memories that linger in the secret
place of my mind
Hide far behind that Big White Sign
Our brief time of innocence stolen; precious childhood moments
forever lost
What was its price, can someone please tell me what is its cost
We have all paid dearly, for the pain did not cease when the bruises
faded far away
Can someone return to us the foundations of our wounded souls
For this is my hope, and for all, this is what I pray
© Mary Carol McGlone